Sunday Morning Worship

July 28, 2024 Location: Church Building

Order of Worship | July 28, 2024

10:00 AM

Click the song titles to hear their tunes, or go to our playlists on Spotify and Youtube.

God Calls Us to Worship

* Call to Worship: Jeremiah 20:13 (p. 770)

* “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” (Hymn 164)

* Prayer of Invocation

God Receives Our Praise and Confession

* “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” (Hymn 535)

Call to Confession: Romans 13:8–14 (p. 1127)

Prayer of Confession

God Assures Us of Pardon

Assurance of Pardon: Lamentations 3:22–24 (p. 818)

“Jesus Paid It All” (Hymn 308)

God Receives Our Offering and Prayer

Responsive Reading: Titus 3:1–8 (see insert)

Tithes and Offerings

Congregational Prayer (with The Lord’s Prayer)

God Speaks through His Word

TEXT: Titus 3:1–8 (p. 1185)

Prayer of Illumination

SERMON: The Sound Doctrine of a Gracious God

God Receives Our Praise and Gratitude

* “It Is Well with My Soul” (Hymn 691)

* Prayer of Thanksgiving

God Sends Us in His Blessing

* Benediction: Numbers 6:24–26 (p. 135)

* “Doxology” (Hymn 731)

*Indicates congregation standing if able | Bibles & Hymnals are available in the back